Solène Delinger 4:00 p.m., December 19, 2021

After two years of shutdown due to the pandemic, ski resorts are almost full as the end of year holidays approach. If winter sports enthusiasts can't wait to get back to the slopes, skiing remains a sport that puts our body to the test. Invited in "Bienfait pour vous" on Europe 1, Vincent Martin, sports director of the Easy Gym network, gave valuable advice on how to prepare physically and avoid injuries. 

The skiers are in the starting blocks.

After two long years of waiting, they are getting ready to hit the slopes for intense sliding sessions.

But beware: skiing puts a strain on the body and it is necessary to prepare your muscles before the big start.

Invited in

Bienfait pour vous

on Europe 1, Vincent Martin, sports director of the Easy Gym network, gave five tips to fully enjoy the pleasures of the mountain without getting injured. 

Build muscle

Three weeks before the big start, you have to start preparing your body gently with muscle building exercises that will work the deep muscles.

These are the muscles that hold the skeleton together and that allow you to be solid on the skis and prevent falls.

In particular, we can do isometric squats, i.e. the chair: we block the squat for 10, 20 or even 30 seconds and we increase the duration over the days.

Squats are a perfect exercise for having concrete quadriceps and are even more effective if you hold the position at the bottom of the movement. 

Running in fundamental endurance

In addition to muscle building, you can work on your cardio before going skiing.

The ideal sport?

Jogging, at low intensity.

It is not necessary to force too much because you have a slight shortness of breath when skiing.

It is fundamental endurance.

In terms of sensations, it's a rhythm where you feel very comfortable.

We can discuss with our training partners without breathlessness. 

Don't neglect stretching

Stretching is used to replace the muscles contracted during a session to maintain natural elasticity, muscle flexibility.

However, flexibility is essential for skiing.

It is because we are often too stiff that we end up falling and hurting ourselves. 

Hydrate well

Once on vacation, don't forget one essential thing: hydration.

Even if we do not feel the sensation of thirst when the temperatures are low, our body needs at least 1.5L of water per day.

And maybe even more when you ski because you sweat more. 

Eat regularly 

A day of skiing is equivalent to four jogs per day, or 3,000 calories of energy expenditure.

We never spend so much energy so it is necessary to compensate by eating well in the morning.

For example, a protein intake with eggs is ideal before heading out on the slopes.

The good news is that there is protein in cheese too.

We can therefore have fun in the evening with a good raclette without feeling too guilty. 

>> Find all the shows of Mélanie Gomez and Julia Vignali from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Europe 1 in replay and in podcast here