Europe 1 with AFP 07:33, December 18, 2021

The match between Paris FC and Lyon for the Coupe de France final was definitively abandoned on Friday evening after incidents at half-time.

Thursday an interministerial meeting on violence in the stadiums precisely led to several reforms and avenues of reflection for the meetings of Ligue 1 or Ligue 2.

The 32nd round of the Coupe de France between Paris FC and Lyon was definitively stopped Friday after incidents in the stands when the two teams were tied 1-1, another interruption of the match in this season marked by many incidents. The stadium announcer, accompanied by the president of Paris FC, Pierre Ferracci, announced around 10:50 pm "that in agreement with the authorities the meeting would not resume".

The match was unable to resume as the two teams prepared to kick off the second half and the teams were tied 1-1.

A few minutes after the Lyon equalizer of Moussa Dembélé (44th) during the break, smoke was launched around the Lyon parking lot.

They were then picked up by supporters in the adjoining stand, then thrown to various places in this stand before extinguishing.

Two agricultural bomb explosions were also heard.

New reforms on violence in stadiums

Fights broke out and crowd movements then took place in the Lyon parking lot and the neighboring stand leading to the deployment of law enforcement officers who came to help the stewards.

Spectators from the stand near the incidents then descended on the lawn to move away.

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The referee and the players who were going to kick off the second period returned to the locker room.

To never come out.

These incidents are the latest in a long series in French stadiums since the start of the season.

They come three weeks after those of OL-OM where the match was also stopped after a plastic water bottle was thrown at Dimitri Payet.

They take place the day after an inter-ministerial meeting on violence in stadiums, in which professional football leaders took part.

It has led to several reforms and avenues for reflection: Ligue 1 or Ligue 2 match "definitively interrupted" if a player or the referee is attacked, plastic bottles prohibited, protective nets that can be mobilized.