Data map: A large number of citizens are learning the ninth set of broadcast gymnastics.

Photo by China News Service

  Every noon, the editor sitting in the office hears the sound of students from the school next door doing radio gymnastics.

"Now start to do the eighth set of broadcast gymnastics, and walk in place..."

  Whenever this familiar melody sounds, the editor will dream back to the school days.

When the second get out of class bell rang, the radio gymnastics prelude played on the loudspeaker urged the students to the playground.

In order to "cope" this daily compulsory course, some people do exercises like "sleepwalking", some hide in the classroom and pretend to be sick... These memories will always come to mind when they hear similar melody.

  When the editor was immersed in the past, I suddenly discovered that today is the "70th birthday" of radio gymnastics.

Today, 70 years ago, the first set of broadcast gymnastics in New China was officially announced.

Burning years

  At the beginning of New China, the average life expectancy of the Chinese population was only 35 years old.

Many people do not know the meaning of the word "sports".

Enhancing the people's physique has become a problem that needs to be solved urgently.

  In 1950, New China sent a sports delegation to the Soviet Union, hoping to learn from the Soviet sports system.

A broadcast exercise choreographed by simple gymnastics attracted the attention of the Chinese delegation.

  On November 24, 1951, referring to the Soviet Union's "hygienic exercises" and the Japanese "chili exercises", the country's first broadcast gymnastics was officially born.

  The first set of broadcast gymnastics only had one movement per session. Although the time is short, the amount of exercise is not small.

Basic movements such as lifting, squatting, turning, and stretching are all involved.

If you do it carefully, you can definitely achieve the effect of strengthening your body.

The first set of broadcast gymnastics

  Doing exercises while listening to music was a novelty at the time.

The country has also vigorously promoted radio gymnastics.

More than 40 radio stations across the country broadcast gymnastics music several times a day.

For a time, enthusiasm for doing exercises arose across the country.

National exercises

  In factories, schools, roadsides, and even trains, as long as you can stand people, you can always see the figure doing exercises.

According to incomplete statistics from 13 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Chongqing, the number of people participating in radio gymnastics at that time exceeded 1 million.

The second set of broadcast gymnastics

  In order to maintain the freshness of the people, from 1951 to 1971, the radio gymnastics update iterated to the fifth set.

The third set of broadcast gymnastics

The fourth set of broadcast gymnastics

The fifth set of broadcast gymnastics

  It is worth mentioning that during the implementation of the fifth set of broadcast gymnastics, a Beijing elementary school student was filmed in a documentary by a film company because of his graceful and standard movements. He was also admitted to a famous local sports school.

Later, this elementary school became a superstar Jet Li.

Li Ning as a model

  The planning and promotion of broadcast gymnastics has not been smooth sailing.

As China enters reform and opening up, people's living standards continue to improve, and there are more choices for daily fitness.

"Exotics" such as aerobics and disco gradually replaced radio gymnastics.

  Compared with before, in 1981, the launch of the sixth broadcast gymnastics did not cause much response.

The sixth set of broadcast gymnastics

  In 1990, the seventh set of radio gymnastics invited "the prince of gymnastics" Li Ning as a model. This set of movements was also called the "hardest in history" radio gymnastics.

The seventh set of broadcast gymnastics (the model in this version is not Li Ning)

  Seven years later, the eighth set of broadcast gymnastics came out.

This set of actions has been widely popularized by removing the complex and simplifying it.

The eighth set of broadcast gymnastics

  On August 8, 2011, the State Sports General Administration released the ninth set of broadcast gymnastics, which is still in use today.

The ninth set of broadcast gymnastics

"The Times Are Calling"

  Since the first broadcast gymnastics, some students have joined the army of exercises.

However, it wasn't until 1998 that there was a broadcast gymnastics specifically designed for elementary and middle school students.

  At present, the most popular is undoubtedly the second and third sets of broadcast gymnastics for elementary and middle school students.

"The young eagle takes off", "the rising sun", "the time is calling"... these familiar names have stringed together the youth of the 80s, 90s and even 00s.

The times are calling

  It has been 70 years since the birth of the first broadcast gymnastics.

With the development of the economy and the times, although it may be difficult to reproduce the scenes of exercises in the empty alleys of the year, people's fitness methods are becoming more and more diverse.

  New types of sports such as yoga, cycling, and aerobics are sought after by the public. Even the "ten minutes between classes" in schools has become more and more varied, and square dances have even appeared.

  However, during the outbreak of the epidemic last year, radio gymnastics once again swept the country.

To everyone's surprise, it turned out that a serious exercise can really help you lose weight and strengthen your body.

Home exercise during the epidemic has also rejuvenated the "old" radio gymnastics.

  At one time, radio gymnastics was considered outdated, old-fashioned, and conservative, but its time-honored melody has become a footnote to the growth of generations.

  Radio gymnastics, happy birthday!

(Reporter Xing Rui)