Why do you think of unfair boxing straight away when it comes to the football of the future in the strategic centers of powerful associations?

Because light hits on the back of the head increase the ability to think?

This now hopefully worldwide outlawed parental abuse has been symbolically attempted these days.

After such bright minds as Arsène Wenger, as chairman of a committee of experts, advised his client, the world football association FIFA, that the World Cup should be held every two years instead of every four years.

Lord in Heaven!

Just because Löw is no longer filing his nails on the German bench and the German eleven under Flick already comes along with spring freshness in autumn, there won't be a summer fairy tale every two years, wherever.

That would be, let's say it without regard to the presumably cleverly hidden, clever thoughts behind this plan, only one thing: terrible.

Or do you want to find out every two years who may have bribed whom on the way to the World Cup host?

We're back to boxing, with an interesting variant: the knockout punch to defeat yourself.