Video: Ronaldo's movement angers the Germans... and they respond with "Idiot and ridiculous!"

The German public was angered by the movement of Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo in the match that brought them recently in the second round of the "Group of Death" in the European Nations Cup finals, which ended with the victory of the machines 4-2.

Ronaldo had received a ball in front of German defender Antonio Rudiger and raised it above him before passing it in a highly technical way and camouflaging that he would catch the ball and then direct it right and look left, a scene that witnessed a great interaction through social networking sites.

The Group of Death 💀

Ronaldo vs

— My Greatest 11 (@MyGreatest11) June 19, 2021

But there are those who went crazy and led the battle in defense of Rudiger, as former Germany legend Dietmar Hamann expressed his outrage at Ronaldo, describing his movement as unsportsmanlike because he was trying to underestimate his opponent.

Hamann said, in comments reported by the German newspaper "Bild": "Ronaldo is the best with Messi, and there is no dispute about that, but he seems foolish and ridiculous, and if you ask the German players, they will tell you their opinion. This behavior was the beginning of the return in the match, which was the reason for winning a quartet after our players felt provoked."

It is noteworthy that Portugal is threatened with exit from the European Nations finals in the event of losing the last and decisive confrontation against France in Group F.

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