Ex-Nigeria coach's sentence reduced to 5 years

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on Monday commuted to five years a life ban for "corruption" of former Nigeria coach Samson Siasia in the match-fixing case.

The court considered the life ban imposed by FIFA in April 2019 on the 53-year-old coach after he was found guilty of "accepting money in match-fixing cases" in 2010, as "disproportionate".

The Court of Arbitration for Sport upheld the verdict but reduced the sentence and quashed the additional fine of 50,000 Swiss francs ($54,000).

"The court decided that a life ban was disproportionate to the first offense committed negatively and which had no negative or immediate impact on football stakeholders," CAS said in a statement, adding that the five-year ban was a penalty for a politician.

The fine was dropped because the court felt it would be "inappropriate and excessive" as well as the penalty.

She indicated that Sisaya did not benefit financially from his actions and that he had already suffered a severe financial blow because of his inability to work in football.

And it added that his suspension "from any football-related activity, locally or internationally" dates back to August 16, 2019 and continues until 2024.

The former international striker played 51 games with Nigeria, including a participation in the 1994 World Cup. He defended the colors of the French team Nantes between 1993 and 1995. He was crowned with the local league champion in 1995. He also supervised the training of the Nigeria national team between 2010 and 2011. With the Olympic team, he won the silver medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and bronze in the Rio Games in 2016.

He was "FIFA".A political inquiry was opened in February 2019 following wider investigations into match-fixing organized by Wilson Raj Perumal in relation to sports betting.

Singaporean-born Perumal was arrested before he was later arrested in 2011 in Finland for his role in match-fixing cases related to sports betting, and he cooperated with investigators to uncover the circumstances of this case.

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