Tomorrow, Armand Duplantis will compete in a star-studded starting field at the Karlstad Grand Prix.

It is one of three competitions left for the pole star ahead of the Olympics in Tokyo.

- The Olympics are approaching very fast so the coming month, which builds up to the biggest competition of my life, is very important.

I want to have a good feeling until then.

He has high expectations and a good self-confidence.

A couple of weeks ago, he jumped 6.10 meters in Hengelo, the Netherlands.

- If I jump as I know I can, I will jump over six meters each competition.

I have high expectations of myself.

This is a huge year for me and I want to go out and do the best I have done as it is most at stake.

There is a lot of attention around you and with that comes pressure.

Is it difficult to handle sometimes?

- I do not think about it so much until I get the question, but people often ask me now.

It is what it is.

I jumped high last year and broke the world record a couple of times.

I want to break the world record again and I want to win the Olympics.

I know everyone expects that from me too.

When others have the same expectations as oneself, it goes smoothly.

Will it be difficult to stay focused on sports with sponsors and the media?

- I just need to jump high.

Everything else is resolved in the end.

I just try to train hard and jump high when there are competitions.

Outside, I'm an ordinary person who does ordinary things.

I am with my family, friends and girlfriend just like everyone else.

Today also came the news that there will be an audience at the Olympics in Tokyo, even though there will be a maximum of 10,000 per arena.

- It is fantastic.


A huge plus, says Duplantis.

Here, Duplantis manages 6.10 meters in Hengelo

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Armand Duplantis managed 6.10 in the Netherlands Photo: Viaplay