Veiby is said to have violated the quarantine rules and is now severely punished.

Today, the verdict came from the international motorsport federation FIA.

After the positive test, Veiby would sit in isolation for ten days in a hotel room in Portugal for ten days.

But according to the FIA, the Norwegian had left the hotel and went to Spain on 20 May.

In addition, Veiby must have had close contact with an infected person before the rally, but not reported this, according to the verdict.

Veiby's Swedish map reader Jonas Andersson was tested negative and is not covered by the verdict.

The suspension is valid until 22 November.

The FIA ​​sees the incident as a "serious violation".

For the 24-year-old, the verdict means that he will miss the rest of this year's World Cup season.

The verdict will be appealed by Veiby.