After a sprint duel against the British Annie Last, Jenny Rissveds took third place in Friday's short track.

But yesterday the Swedish star had to cancel the race due to menstrual cramps.

"I think it was the right decision, but it is always disappointing when you are forced to cancel.

And that is what makes me question the decision today, ”Rissveds writes in a post on his Instagram.

Nor could Swedish teammate Linn Gustafzzon complete yesterday's competition.

The 26-year-old suffered a concussion during Saturday's training and had to go to hospital.

Frenchwoman Loana Lecomte, who finished second last Friday despite a crash, won ahead of Haley Batten, USA, and Rebecca McConnell, Australia.

CLIP: Rissveds about the gold race (2 May 2021)

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Jenny Rissveds: "Took two years before I saw the gold race" Photo: SVT / Bildbyrån