Västerås is on to the Swedish Championship final after winning two matches in the best of three.

Today's match started Västerås strongest.

After about eleven minutes, they led 2-0 after goals from Tova Grönoset and Emelie Åkerlund.

Before the half was over, Charlotte Selbekk extended Västerås' lead to 3-0.

Eventful second half

In the second half, the away team reduced AIK to 3-1 through Kristina Mashinskaya.

But it would only take a little over a minute before Västerås answered and made it 4-1.

AIK received a penalty shortly after that.

A penalty that Kristina Mashinskaya managed well by reducing to 4-2.

And just six seconds after the 4-2 goal, AIK also made it 4-3.

After 70 minutes, AIK sent a free kick in high over the penalty box.

But Mashinskaya missed.

AIK then got their third penalty of the match but Mashinskaya also missed it.

There were no more goals and Västerås is thus ready for the final.

- It is in matches like this that you have to perform, says Västerås goalkeeper Isabelle Larsson in Sportbladet's broadcast.

The Swedish Championship final will be played in Uppsala on March 27.

ARCHIVE: Commutes 400 kilometers - to practice bandy (February 5)

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Commutes 400 kilometers - to practice bandy