It was, to say the least, a special environment around the rink where Colorado (in Quebec Nordiques jerseys) and Vegas would meet on Saturday night, Swedish time.

The team played on the rink at Lake Tahoe (one of the largest lakes in the United States), right next to the lake, with snow-covered trees around the rink, and the Sierra Nevada mountain range that majestically appeared on the other side of the lake.

And it seemed to be seemingly perfect conditions, with a clear blue sky and a minus degree in the air.

To be resumed

But the match, in which Samuel Girard gave Colorado the lead after just under three minutes, was interrupted after the first period.

The match will now resume at 06.00 on Sunday morning, Swedish time.

The reason for the break was that the sun was on so much that the snow began to melt and it was judged as too uncertain conditions to continue playing.

- We tried to do something special for the fans during these times, but we knew - and now know even more for the future - that weather conditions can always affect your opportunities to play outdoors.

We are all disappointed, but we move on and you know: You can not succeed if you do not risk failure, says NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman.

"Be a little sloppy"

Colorado's Swedish star Gabriel Landeskog took the break calmly.

- It was a bit sloppy in some places on the ice, but we were ready to go back.

But it was probably a good decision to take a break tonight.

This is no ordinary situation, but we make the best of the situation and had fun out there.

MORE NHL: Powerful turnaround of Ottawa (February 16):

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Ottawa won after a powerful turnaround.

Photo: TT