Luka Karabatic and his family couldn't do anything against Barcelona -

Martin Meissner / AP / SIPA

While waiting for the revenge in football in February, FC Barcelona won its "first round" by eliminating Paris Saint-Germain in the semi-final of the Final Four (37-32).

Outclassed by the Catalans, the Parisians will therefore have to wait for the next edition to dream of a first in the Champions League.

In the match for third place, the Parisians, virgins of this European title, will face Tuesday in the match for third place Veszprem, defeated by Kiel 36-35 after a stunning duel and extra time.

" We tried "

Monday, in a Lanxess-Arena behind closed doors, Raul Gonzalez's players were impeccable in the first quarter of an hour of the first period, scoring up to three goals.

But the Parisians then stumbled against Barcelona goalkeeper Kevin Moller, just entered, formidable efficiency in the first period, with 8 saves at 67% (14/36 in total).

The Barcelona went on, taking advantage of seven minutes without scoring the Parisians and repeatedly reaching five lengths in advance, in particular thanks to the individual performance of the French back Dika Mem (6/6 in the first period).

“We tried to fight thoroughly with the weapons we had.

What was our best weapon, the 7 against 6 did not work as we wanted, our defense did not work either ”, analyzed Nedim Remili, ensuring that the team had“ given everything ”.

3rd place objective

Now in sight, the small final, to grab a third place on Tuesday.

“In the history of PSG, two small finals were played (in 2016 and 2018), we went to look for them twice (…) We have to go for this 3rd place, it's not nothing.

It is the most beautiful of competitions, we are going to do our best to find it ”, certified Remili.

In the final, FC Barcelona, ​​nine times winner of the Champions League, will be opposed on Tuesday (8:30 p.m.) to Kiel, titled three times.


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  • Sport

  • PSG handball

  • FC Barcelona

  • Semi final