He is the first German to have made it to the round of 16 at a Darts World Cup.

The first German to throw the world champion out of the tournament and the first German to achieve a World Cup throwing average of 99 points per shot.

Gabriel Clemens wrote history with his 4: 3 against Peter Wright.

Tuesday (from 8 p.m. / Sport1 and DAZN) he meets the Pole Krzysztof Ratajski.


Interest in you is increasing.

Even with people who have barely dealt with darts so far.

Describe a day in the life of the professional Gabriel Clemens.


It's like normal work.

I get up around 6:30 a.m., have breakfast, go to my training room at 8 a.m., stay there for seven to nine hours, four to five of them on the board, ride the ergometer for half an hour twice a week and do bureaucratic work - a full-time Job.

But my girlfriend supports me a lot, books trips and hotels.


Who else is in your environment?