Anicet Mbida delivers to us every morning the best in terms of innovation.

Today, he presents us with an antifreeze coating that avoids having to salt the roads to clear them.

The innovation of the day could prevent slips on the roads with the arrival of cold and snow.

A new anti-freeze bitumen has been developed.

It avoids having to salt the roads to clear them.

We try to do without salt everywhere.

Because it's bad for the environment.

This eventually seeps into the water tables and becomes toxic to plants and animals.

It's also bad for cars, as it accelerates corrosion and causes concrete to swell.

Worse, you have to put it on and put it back on again because it flies off with each passage of cars.

The Italians of Iterchimica have therefore developed a coating that works as if it were permanently salty.

That is to say, it will disrupt the formation of ice crystals and lower the temperature at which the water will freeze.

This helps prevent snow and ice. 

And it is effective up to what temperature?

They did tests down to -3 ° C in a real situation.

It's impressive, we put you pictures on the hashtag # Europe1.

We see a side of the road full of snow, with classic asphalt.

And the other completely cleared of snow.

Obviously, if it is really very cold, the flakes will eventually stick.

But at least it saves time before you send in the snowplows.

We will no longer be surprised as is often the case on the N118, which we tend to close at the slightest snowfall.

Are these antifreeze roads already installed somewhere?

It starts in Italy, of course.

But also in the Netherlands.

Several French regions are also interested, in particular for cycle paths.

Logical when you think about it.

If you put sand or salt on them, they would become even more slippery and more dangerous for cyclists.