Obama became a guest on James' talk show

Former US President Barack Obama has been a guest on Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James' talk show The Shop.

Basketball player's business partner Maverick Carter also took part in the program. 

During the conversation, the protests of blacks in the United States were also discussed.

Thus, the guests of the program discussed the boycott by the Milwaukee Bucks club of the match of the National Basketball Association (NBA) against the Orlando Magic because of the incident with the American Jacob Blake, in which the policeman shot seven times.

At that moment, many teams were ready to follow this example, and LeBron James contacted Obama to help develop a further course of action.

During the program, the interlocutors joked on various topics.

At some point, an earpiece fell out of Obama's ear, and Carter said that the ex-president is the only one who can compete with LeBron in ear size.

In response, Obama noted that LeBron's ears matched his build.

At the same time, the politician said to himself that in his case it was not so - his ears were big, and he himself was very thin.

English football has a code of diversity

The Football Association of England has created a Leadership Diversity Code that aims to tackle racial inequality in managerial and coaching appointments.

He was supported by 19 of the 20 clubs in the English Premier League (against only Southampton), the national team and representatives of other leagues, including women.

According to some provisions of the document, at least 25% of new coaching positions in men's football clubs must be received by black, Asian or mixed race persons.

The same figure specifically for senior coaching positions is 10%.

At the same time, 50% of new appointments to leadership positions in women's sports teams should go to women.

The implementation of the provisions of the code is voluntary.

At the same time, the clubs will be obliged to provide full information about new employees.

American tennis player disqualified due to Chinese ointment

An independent tribunal of the International Tennis Federation (ITF) suspended 20-year-old American Ashley Kratzer from the competition for an anti-doping rule violation.

The period of ineligibility will be four years.

At the same time, the athlete herself denied the accusations and stated that a prohibited substance (peptide GHRP-6, which simulates the secretion of growth hormone) could enter her body with a Chinese ointment from corns of unknown origin.

She pointed out that she constantly suffers from calluses on her feet and neither a change of shoes nor treatment courses helped her.

In April 2019, Kratzer flew to a tournament in China.

There she asked the hotel staff to find a local sparring partner for her to practice.

She was introduced to a certain Zhang, a local professional tennis player associated with the Chinese Tennis Federation.

During one of the workouts, the athlete worsened problems with calluses, and, according to her, Zhang gave her a jar of ointment that did not have a label on it.

The Chinese man allegedly assured the tennis player that this is a common antibacterial agent popular with local athletes.

Kratzer took the medicine home to the United States and was treated with it for several months.

Later, when information about a positive doping test came, the athlete began to send drugs and supplements to the laboratory, which she used, including Chinese ointment.

The results showed the presence of the banned substance GHRP-6 in it.

As a result, a special ITF tribunal found Kratzer guilty of violating the rules and issued a decision on disqualification.

Nurmagomedov recalled how he taught a lesson to his cousin

UFC lightweight champion Khabib Nurmagomedov told how he taught his cousin a lesson for lack of discipline.

According to the athlete, this story happened two years ago, when a relative was 16 years old.

He performed well at the competitions in Moscow, but he was very tired, fell asleep at the airport and slept through his flight.

Realizing that the plane took off without him, the young man called Khabib.

It turned out that a new ticket costs 17 thousand rubles.

In this case, the bus could be reached in two.

Nurmagomedov agreed to transfer five thousand rubles to his brother.

As the soldier explained, 500 rubles of this amount were intended for a taxi to the bus station, the remaining money for food on the way, which was supposed to take a day and a half.

“I had no problem buying him a plane ticket.

It's just that if I helped him, he would not realize his mistake, would not draw conclusions.

Well, he fell asleep and fell asleep, Khabib will buy a ticket anyway.

And here he will feel: a bus, heat, a crowd of people, a flea market.

And he will remember these one and a half days well.

A person should feel that he himself is responsible for his mistakes.

You can't relax, you have to answer for every mistake at any age, ”concluded Nurmagomedov.

Netflix is ​​preparing a series about the Beckham family

Streaming service Netflix will shoot a series about the life of former England national football team captain David Beckham and his family.

The cost of the ex-footballer's contract with the American multimedia company was £ 16 million.

The series will feature archival videos and photographs of the Beckham family from different periods of the English football star's career.

The love story of Victoria and David will take a big place in the project: the heroes themselves, as well as their relatives and friends, will tell about it.

The footballer's parents reportedly have kept many things related to his career: newspaper clippings, team shots and school notes will all be shown on the series.

Also, Beckham's former partners in the England national team, Manchester United, Real Madrid and other teams will appear in the documentary.

The project will be created jointly with the athlete's production company "Studio 99", now the search for a director is underway.

The exact date of the release of the series has not been named, but it is already known that it will be released no earlier than 2022.

Bad joke about Tedesco's head

The Moscow "Spartak" took offense at the joke that sounded in the next issue of the "Comment.Show" program, which was published on YouTube.

The scandalous remark about the head coach of the red and white Domenico Tedesco and the team's midfielder Zelimkhan Bakaev was voiced by the TV commentator of Match TV Denis Kazansky.

“What happens if Tedesco's head is cut off?

He will run for another five minutes and release Bakaev, ”he said.

Anton Fetisov, Spartak's public relations director, explained to journalist Vasily Konov that the club considered the joke offensive and promised to contact the editorial board of the program and the management of the Match TV channel.

Soon after, an apology post appeared on the Comment.Show Instagram account.

Representatives of the program expressed regret that in the context of the tragic events in France, the joke about Tedesco could seem cruel and inappropriate.

They also hastened to assure him that they had no intention of offending Spartak's mentor and wished him health and good luck.

“When I was making a joke, I immediately realized that it was horror, horror.

We usually don't have the practice of cutting out jokes, no matter how harsh they are.

I think it was immediately clear from my reaction that I perceive this particular one - as something beyond good and evil, ”Kazansky admitted to blogger Ivan Karpov and explained that he had only read the text prepared by the editors on paper.