Hamari Traoré and Rennes leave London with a heavy defeat despite a good collective performance.



  • Weighted down by a refereeing error, Stade Rennais left London with a heavy defeat in the suitcases (3-0).

  • But the score is flattering for the Blues because the Rennais put in a good overall performance.

They had taken the broth last week in Seville but left Andalusia with only a narrow defeat (1-0).

Wednesday night against Chelsea, the score was higher for Rennes, sharply beaten 3-0.

The fault of course was a gross referee error at the end of the first half which reduced them to ten and completely destroyed all their hopes.

The Chelsea arbitration scandal.

Or how to make @staderennais understand that it is only a small club in #liguedeschampions #honteux #CHESRFC

- Eric Besnard (@ EricBesnard1) November 4, 2020

But in content, Stade Rennais has shown great things at Stamford Bridge by delivering "a united and courageous service", according to Benjamin Bourigeaud.

"We really do not have to be ashamed because we showed control and we did not give up even at ten against eleven," said the Rennes midfielder.

From the start of the meeting, the Rennais have indeed taken the game to their account.

"The team came to play in an uninhibited way, with very clear intentions in the game which were materialized by a good start to the match," said coach Julien Stéphan.

"Use this experience to continue to grow"

But the sequel turned into a nightmare.

Quickly led to the score after a penalty converted by Timo Werner (10th) following a stupid foul by Dalbert, the Rennais nevertheless managed to maintain the pace in the first half, even coming close to the equalizer on a free kick from Bourigeaud ( 33rd).

But seven minutes later, the game was folded, the referee whistling a second penalty for Chelsea and in the process sending poor Dalbert out for an involuntary hand.

Julien Stephan's reaction after #CHESRFC pic.twitter.com/suCw26E5Ho

- SRFC News (@ActuSRFC_) November 4, 2020

"The turning point of the match" for Julien Stéphan, disappointed for his players who "deserved something else for their performance, for their debauchery of energy, for the courage they have shown".

The fate of the meeting sealed at half-time, the Rennes still had the merit of not abdicating in the second half, even continuing to push after the third goal of the Blues signed Abraham (50th) to save the honor.

Unfortunately, in vain.

“The scenario is frustrating but we can be proud because we gave everything and showed a beautiful face of Stade Rennais, said Benjamin Bourigeaud.

We will have to use this experience to continue to grow ”.

Last of their group with only one point, the Rennes will now fight with the Russians of Krasnodar to secure third place, synonymous with the Europa League.


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