The peloton will surely be less dense on arrival at Mont Aigoual -

Christophe Ena / AP / SIPA


The anticipated summary of the stage: 

Rodolphe Gaudin questions Dayer Quintana, thinking it is Nairo and is still being chambered by the whole peloton.

On the race side, a nice quartet Calmejane, Hirschi, De Gendt and Skujins is completed by Vuillermoz, sent to the front to serve as a springboard for Bardet in an end-of-stage tactic which will obviously never see the light of day.

The Jumbo will lock the race in front to allow Roglic to go scratch the bonuses at the top of the Luzette.

But it was without counting on the rage to win of Julian Alaphilippe, who, despite a slight dehydration after refusing to refuel from km 50, attacks in the steeper portions of the pass.

He catches up with De Gendt and Calmejane, alone in front, slams the bonuses and takes a little lead on the mini-descent before the climb to Mont Aigoual.

In good memory of his time last year, he finished the stage alone and in aero position and took back the yellow jersey, four seconds ahead of Roglic overall. 

Yo Minutos!

We were bored for three weeks yesterday but today, we promise, there will be some great cycling on the Tour de France roads with a fairly promising finish at the top of Mont Aigoual, on the border between Gard and Lozère.

The most logical scenario would be that of the advent of Primoz Roglic, who is only three miserable seconds behind the yellow jersey Adam Yates.

Knowing that there are bonuses at the top of the Col de la Luzette, I am giving away some skin from the breakaway today.

But I could be wrong.

In any case, it will move, for sure.

The nap will take place at the start of the stage until the intermediate sprint, then we will quickly switch to the hilly part of the stage.

>> Don't be late, real start of the live at 2:30 p.m.

  • Sport

  • Thibaut Pinot

  • Romain bardet

  • Julian Alaphilippe

  • Tour de France