All is well on the eve of the Tour de France - Alex Broadway / Shutterstock / SIPA

It makes no sense. Tour de France teams will be excluded from the race if two of its members test positive for coronavirus, staff included, confirmed race director Christian Prudhomme. This is what was planned from the start, that is to say, but it goes against the recommendations of the International Cycling Union (UCI) which wanted, the day before, that the gauge of the two positive cases only concerns the riders of the platoon.

"We remain at two cases out of 30 people from the same team over a period of seven days", declared Christian Prudhomme, adding that the decision "had been taken by the interministerial crisis unit". Suffice to say that the UCI is no match.


Coronavirus on the Tour de France: is Romain Bardet right to fear that the race will stop?

  • Cycling
  • Sport
  • Christian prudhomme
  • Tour de France
  • Cycling