It was Arsenal's first quarter-final in six years. That time it ended in a loss to Birmingham. Tonight, PSG stood for the opposition. It was the same fate as six years ago.

Against PSG, Arsenal got off to a tough start.

After a quarter, Marie-Antoinette Katoto opened the scoring in the match. She gave PSG the lead with 1-0.

Arsenal chased a draw. A few minutes before half time, the team received a dividend. Bethany Mead made it 1-1.

Fine preparation by Katoto

Signe Bruun entered the game for PSG as the match clock showed 74 minutes. Three minutes later, the players in the French big club got to cheer.

Katoto were determined to attack on the wing and their central attempts were constantly abandoned in favor of the wings. She recorded for Bruun who had rushed towards goal. Danskan led 2-1.

Arsenal chased feverishly for a draw, but PSG held off. Thus, the team is ready for the semifinals.

SEE ALSO: Rolfös Wolfsburg to semi - won 9-1 (August 21)

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Wolfsburg is ready for the semifinals. Photo: AP