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In his first attempt in Indianapolis, in 2017, Fernando Alonso led the race in the final stage, when the trophies are distributed. The Honda engine, as was happening at the time with McLaren in Formula 1, blew up and left him with a bad body and a pending mission. Since then, he has been looking for the Triple Crown, the title that the winner of the three most famous races in the world receives. The Spaniard already has two, the Monaco Grand Prix and the 24 Hours of Le Mans, but perhaps the most difficult is lacking due to the type of race, where speed, endurance and risk are mixed. In the oval that today will see him start from Plaza 26, any failure usually means, as in the Monte Carlo rails, elimination.

That is why it takes a concentration of ninja and a fine pulse to endure the almost three hours that this mythical test of North American motorsports lasts. An appointment that comes naked because it will be without an audience, its greatest differential fact. On Sundays in Indianapolis, nearly half a million people pass through the circuit enclosure, including spectators and ordinary fans who watch the race from outside, on giant screens, while they rush barbecues and cans of beer. In the late afternoon, alcohol and heat often end in blows back and forth, without much else, almost like another form of fun and Made in the USA tradition.

Alonso has already said that today will be his last attempt for a while, focused as he will be from January on the return to Formula 1. No one doubts that, in the case of not winning, sooner or later he will return to a event that seduced him since its premiere. In Indianapolis they also treat him like the figure that he is. The low on the grid (26) has not made him lose focus. Help your spirits, sending messages of optimism throughout the week, seeing yourself able to overcome. "To win here you need everything to go well for you," he recalled at the race presentation press conference. «You have to have good traffic, go forward, get lucky with the yellow flags and make good pit stops. There is no other but to cross your fingers ”, the Asturian reviewed, with an appointment on the asphalt from 8.30pm Spanish time .

The rivals, including the Spaniard Álex Palou -in the unexpected seventh place- or the poleman, Marco Andretti , look in the rear-view mirror and continue to see Alonso with options, who will accelerate a good Chevrolet engine. Today's will be his last race under the McLaren logo, the English team in the 500 Miles associated with the Arrow team. «It is a pride to have Fernando here. Our fans adore him, even if they can't be in the stands, "said Doug Boles, the president of a circuit turned into a motor cathedral. A trophy of three million euros and a bottle of milk (whole, Alonso chose) await, as always, the winner.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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