He is one of the legends of PSG: midfielder Rai is the big guest of Europe 1 sport on Sunday. The ex-number 10 of Selecao returned to the management of the coronavirus crisis in Brazil. "It's terrible," he laments, scratching President Jair Bolsonaro in the process. 


There is Rai the footballer, the number 10 of genius who, with a dribble, a goal, raised all the stands of the Parc des Princes. And then there is Rai the humanist, the citizen. And what he is currently seeing in his country, Brazil, worries him. The current president, Jair Bolsonaro is "coronasceptic", while a little less than 50,000 cases have been confirmed, for more than 3,700 deaths.

"It is sad, it is terrible to see the lack of vision, of cohesion", is moved by Rai at the micro Europe 1. "The politicians do not realize the gravity of the moment and think only of more individualistic political aspects, to interests that should not take place at times like this. "

>> Find all the major debates of Europe 1 Sport in replay and podcast here

Rai "amazed two to three times a week" by Bolsonaro's decisions

Socrates' younger brother gets annoyed by the decisions made by the government in power. "We can have a different vision, but when we see all the global organizations, the WHO (World Health Organization, editor's note ), science, going against that, it's sad", takes offense Rai on Europe 1. "We were already afraid for some moments of Brazilian politics in this mandate, and there with the crisis, we are amazed two to three times a week by decisions, completely negative, complicated positions, which bring us more problems".

Last episode to date, the resignation of the Minister of Justice Sergio Moro for "political interference" of President Bolsonaro. The Minister of Health was removed from office during the coronavirus crisis. "He did a good job, he managed to control at the beginning [the epidemic] with all the governors of the State of Brazil", laments Rai. "Bolsonaro had attitudes, by going on the street for example, he confused the population. These are attitudes that will have consequences. These are lives that we will lose. It is sad, but I believe that with the release of the ministers of health and justice, the situation will get even more complicated. "


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The Gol de Letra association in support of the most disadvantaged

No way to sit idly by for the former captain of the Auriverde selection. Thanks to its association Gol de Letra , created in 1998 in France, Rai redirected its activities to help the less well-off populations. "We help an average of 4,500 children with educational activities, training for employment. We reach a lot of people in poor suburbs of Rio and Sao Paulo," he explains. "We know their reality well with the health crisis around the world, but in Brazil in particular. The Brazilians do not have much insurance, rights, state aid is very limited. For two to three months, we're going to have extreme difficulties. "

class = "fb-post" data-href = "https://www.facebook.com/goldeletraFR/posts/2841472742586127" data-show-text = "true" data-width = ""> cite = "https: / /developers.facebook.com/goldeletraEN/posts/2841472742586127 "class =" fb-xfbml-parse-ignore ">

Thanks to your generosity, we have already been able to help 1000 families by distributing baskets of first-class goods ...

Posted by href = "https://www.facebook.com/goldeletraFR/"> Gol de Letra (Official Page) on href = "https://developers.facebook.com/goldeletraFR/posts/2841472742586127"> Friday April 24 2020

Hence the idea of ​​calling for solidarity. "With 20 euros, we can pay for baskets of basic necessities, hygiene products, foodstuffs," explains the ex-PSG player. With these 20 euros, it can help a family for a month. We need the solidarity of Brazilians, but also of Europe, of more developed countries. "For the moment, already more than 1,000 families have been able to take advantage of these baskets of basic necessities.