On Friday, the Premier League clubs held a meeting to discuss different scenarios on how to end the paused season. But with nine rounds left to play, there is still great uncertainty.

In Scotland, however, not in the highest Premiership series, ups and downs have been decided based on what the table looked like when the game was paused. Something that would have enormous consequences in England where it is estimated that losing 1.2 billion SEK to move out of the highest series.

- We may be able to get a winner, Liverpool deserve it, and we may be able to release the European seats, but I don't see how anyone could vote for the team that is currently in relegation place to leave, Tony Bloom told the BBC.

"It's unthinkable"

Another proposal that was discussed was to calculate the teams average points per match, which would remove the importance of goal difference and the fact that the teams have different many matches.

In view of the current table, the same three bottom teams would then leave - of which Bournemouth with the lowest possible margin.

- It is inconceivable that a team may be degraded because they have 0.2 points per match fewer than a competitor. And then you do not take into account how good the team you have met, says Tony Bloom.

In order for a proposal to be voted on, at least 14 out of 20 clubs need to vote for, ie 70 percent.

CLIP: Glenn Hysén: "Some Curse Resting" (April 5, 2020)

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Glenn Hysén: "Some curse that rests" Photo: Bildbyrån / SVT