Kim Yeon-kyung, the ‘Volleyball Empress’ who is active in the Turkish League, was raised. China is the next destination.

World of Bali, an international volleyball news agency, quoted a Brazilian media report as saying, "The Beijing of the Chinese League has offered to sign Kim Yeon-kyung."

It is unknown when the Turkish League, which was suspended in the aftermath of Corona 19 in March, will resume, and the contract with Kim Yeon-kyung and their team Exabashibashi will end next month, attracting interest in the next destination of 'Volleyball Empress'.

In 2017, Kim Yeon-kyung played a season in Shanghai, China, and gave the team a regular championship cup.

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first foreign coach of the volleyball women's team Rabarini has been more likely to accompany the national team until the Tokyo Olympics, which was pushed back a year later.

The Korean Volleyball Association is preparing to 'extend the contract' with coach Rabarini, who led the advance to the Olympics.