It is the talent Malte Stefansson who has been awarded a development spot in the A-national team, a newly born 20-year-old, originating in the vassal village of Oxberg.

Not unexpectedly, he himself describes skiing as his main strength, spent two years at the length gymnasium in Mora, but moved to Torsby and is then its dedicated biathlon.

- This year I have actually stepped up the shooting as well and become more stable, both safer and faster, he tells SVT Sport.

It also turned out during an eventful and just concluded season. He started this fall by winning SM gold in sprint, albeit in Sebastian Samuelsson's and Jesper Nelin's absence. It also became a JVM and so he got to try on the IBU Cup, the sport's undercup for seniors.

In the coming season he wants to take new steps and maybe get to test on the World Cup, but admits that it is a big step to the very best.

- Absolutely, there is some pressure, but I am so young that I have many years to succeed, he says.

"I want to win Olympic gold"

The association's new sports manager Anna-Maria Uusitalo agrees and emphasizes that it is a long-term effort to reach the top.

"Obviously, we want to give him the chance to improve his shooting and become a more full-fledged biathlon," she says.

Stefansson's base is now Östersund, a place he shares with the rest of the national team. And in the longer term he does not hesitate to set high goals:

- I want to win the Olympic gold and world championships ... I want to be the best ... sorry if I swear, he apologizes with a wry smile, but also clear direction.

View the full report on Malte Stefansson here: