• Last minute Coronavirus

Sandra Zampa , Italian undersecretary of Health , excluded on Tuesday that in Italy there could be football matches with the public in the stands before a vaccine against the coronavirus is found, which has already caused more than 20,000 deaths in the country.

"I think you can give up soccer for another month . We will only see full stadiums when the maximum security conditions are in place and we have a vaccine," Zampa said in an interview on Italian national television "Rai News". "I think if we wait a month to play the games behind closed doors, it will not be a catastrophe, " he added.

Zampa also indicated that she is willing to study possible proposals from the Serie A clubs, who would like to resume training on May 4 to return to compete in early June. "However, if the clubs are able to do it, we will study their proposals. I am not saying no, and it is not up to me to decide. But it does not seem to me a priority issue, " he stressed.

Series A was interrupted on March 9 on the 26th matchday, with Juventus as the leader with a point advantage over Lazio, second, and nine over Inter Milan, which has one game less.

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  • soccer
  • Italy
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