AFC official website screenshot

China News Service, April 15th Recently, National Football Team captain Hao Junmin accepted an interview with the AFC official website to speak out to fight the spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic worldwide. He said that although the epidemic is coming, it will never Defeat us.

The AFC wrote on its official website that starting last month, the AFC official contacted influential players in Asia to jointly launch the "Break The Chain" charity event to encourage people everywhere to unite and actively respond to the outbreak. In this interview, AFC invited Hao Junmin as a guest.

AFC introduced Hao Junmin when he wrote: "As a very experienced midfielder, Hao Junmin has represented the Chinese national team in the last three Asian Cups."

Hao Junmin said in the interview: "There is no doubt that we are facing the biggest challenge in life. The speed of the virus spread after the outbreak is incredible. Although it may make it difficult for us to deal with, it will never Will destroy us. "

"Just like in the football world, our primary concern must be the implementation of the action and the battle plan, not what the opponent grabs. In the face of this epidemic crisis, to achieve the ultimate victory, we can only focus on what we can Control things, not things that we can't control. Let us all respond positively, strictly self-discipline, do more good deeds, consider everyone around us, and block the spread of the virus together. "Hao Junmin said. (Finish)