Pierre Ménès at the Parc des Princes on November 22, 2019 - CHRISTOPHE SAIDI / SIPA

Sports columnist Pierre Ménès announced on Monday that he was leaving the hospital after contracting the coronavirus, which "completely exhausted him".

"I have been in the hospital since Tuesday. After a very, very wise confinement at home. I had to call the doctors. I was totally exhausted, with terrible diarrhea. These are not the usual symptoms of the Covid but yet it is the Covid that I had. I was hospitalized at the end of the virus, ”detailed the consultant for Canal Football Club , the flagship football program of Canal +, in a video message posted on Twitter. "There, the ambulance picks me up to take me home," added the editorialist.

I'm leaving the covid pic.twitter.com/FXwOuvwE3Y

- Pierre Ménès (@PierreMenes) April 13, 2020

Pierre Ménès, 56, was saved in 2016 thanks to a double transplant of a kidney and a liver. What had deprived him of antenna for long months.


Pierre Ménès: He confides in the "seven months of hell" lived during the illness


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  • Containment
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Sport
  • Hospital
  • Pierre Ménès