Several large federations and committees have requested to postpone the Tokyo Olympics due to the health situation. And yesterday, delegate Dick Pound announced to Tody that the IOC has decided to postpone the Olympics.

- Based on the information that the IOC has, it has been decided to postpone the games. Nothing has been decided about the future process, but the games will not start on July 24. So much I know, he says.

- We will postpone this and start dealing with all the consequences of this. And they are huge.

Agree to postpone the Olympics

Earlier today, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and IOC President Thomas Bach sat in a telephone conference. Shinzo Abe now says that Thomas Bach supports the 100 percent proposal to move forward the Olympics one year, reports Reuters.

The text is updated.

CLIP: IOC delegate: Ready to move forward the Summer Olympics

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Olympic rings in Tokyo Photo: Photo Agency