Australia endeavored to keep alive its national leagues in the biggest sports.

But when the country's football federation on Tuesday threw in the towel and postponed the rest of the 2020 season, it was the third sport on as many days as in the Corona pandemic track closed down.

"A complicated mission became an impossible task," the union's chief James Johnson said at a press conference in Sydney, Australian media reports.

The impossible mission is aimed at closing Australia's states one by one and has introduced quarantine rules for travelers from other states. Johnson points out that there are logistical reasons behind the decision to pause the league, not health, and is careful that the league has not been canceled. If the league manager gets what he wants, Ola Toivonen and the others in the league will play again as early as April.

- We are optimistic and I think we should be in these difficult times. We want players to be mentally prepared for the game to resume as soon as possible, Johnson says.

There are only a few rounds left and an A-League playoffs and the league expects to be able to play the series in about three weeks.

The women's W-league male finishes. Facing empty stands, Melbourne City won Saturday's 1-0 victory over Sydney.

But the day after the very popular AFL, the league for Australian football, shot up all the games and if more matches are played it will at most be a shortened season this year. On Monday, the NFL rugby league also announced that it had pressed the pause button. Even before, the cricket had also canceled all games.