- No decisions have been made about the date of the women's European playoffs. We return with calendar issues that a special working group is looking at, ”Karl Erik Nilsson, chairman of the Swedish Football Association and first vice president of Uefa, tells SVT Sport.

The men's playoffs with venues around Europe and the final game in London will take place between June 11 and July 11, 2021. The women's European Championship playoffs in England, including that of Wembley as the final arena, were scheduled for July 7 - August 1, 2021.

- The best and least disruptive for other operations is this move of twelve months, says Karl-Erik Nilsson to Aftonbladet.

"Can't say I'm surprised"

The decision is irritating.

- I can't say that I'm surprised, but it's still very difficult to understand that we're going to be hit. How would they have done if it were the other way around? Gothenburg national team player Rebecka Blomqvist asks Aftonbladet.

The dates that will be relevant for the women's European Cup finals have not yet been announced. There is information that the women's playoff game will be moved one year ahead in time to 2022. The U21 European Championship will also be moved on time.

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CLIP: Markus Johannesson and Chris Härenstam about moving the European Championship:

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Markus Johannesson and Chris Härenstam comment on the message that the football European Cup is postponed to 2021 Photo: TT