
The International Olympic Committee will hold an emergency meeting shortly afterwards to discuss the issue of the Tokyo Olympics, which has been approached for four months. It is a place to discuss how to compete for athletes when the Olympics preliminary stops, and there may be stories of postponing or canceling the tournament.

Reporter Kwon Jong-oh.


Even the only European boxing qualifier held in London, England, was cut off last night (16th), and the Tokyo Olympics qualifier was truly all-stop.

Considering that 40% of the total Olympic participation rights have yet to be decided, and most of the postponed games are in June, and considering travel restrictions in each country, confusion is inevitable.

After a short period of three days, the IOC will hold an emergency video conference with representatives of the federations of each event and the Olympic Committee of each country.

In June, if the preliminary round is not held properly, we will focus on how to distribute the right to participate in the Olympic Games.

There is also the possibility of a voice canceling or acting out at the Tokyo Olympics.

[Jeong-won Joo / Governor of the World Taekwondo Federation: It is a general prediction whether to postpone this year and set a date in October or November, or else you will have to go over a year later.]

The French Olympic chairman claimed that by the end of May the Corona 19 could not be held without calm down, and some British athletes are also calling for delay.

In this situation, Prime Minister Abe, who finished the videoconference with the G7 summit, said, "I agreed to host the Olympics in full form."

However, even the head of the Kelp Gozo Japan Football Association is positive for the Corona 19 test, and it is expected that the voice will be raised even more in Japan.

(Video coverage: Pan-Jeong Bae, Video editing: Byoung-Jik Kim)