Rafael Nadal has announced the closure to the public of his Academy in Manacor, where tennis players from 42 nationalities usually reside. "No one from outside will be able to access. In this way we try to avoid any possible contagion," says number two of the ATP on this preventive measure against the coronavirus pandemic.

Nadal's letter, issued through his social networks, also confirms the closure of the adult residence, the gym, the museum, the store and the restaurant. "Only the players and the volunteer staff who are already interned are inside," reports the winner of 19 majors.

Until now, according to his testimony, the tennis players and the volunteer staff have remained on the premises "for different family and logistical reasons." The manacorense assures to have been in contact with the Superior Council of Sports and with the Ministry of Health of the Balearic Islands to "adopt the appropriate measures that are in accordance with the Current Law".

"Message of tranquility"

"As a result of these conversations, some coaches and support, kitchen and cleaning personnel who have volunteered have been allowed to carry out a confinement inside the facilities and thus be able to take care of these players who are to remain in the Academy during this period. period, "adds the 12-time champion at Roland Garros.

Finally, Nadal conveys a "message of calm" to all parents. "Your children are very well cared for by a great team that is leaving their skin every minute." "I know you would like to be with them and we hope that this moment will come very soon. I take this opportunity to encourage you all to stay home. These are difficult moments, but together we will overcome it," concludes the recent winner in Acapulco.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • tennis
  • sports
  • Rafael Nadal

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