The International Olympic Committee, the IOC, made a communique today regarding the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. The position is that the Olympics will be carried out as planned between July 24 and August 9.

A decision that was hailed by Peter Reinebo, Head of Operations at the Swedish Olympic Committee, who was a guest of SVT's program Sportpegeln Special - sport and corona.

- You have to be humble because it is a global emergency. This was a strong signal. A good decision, says Reinebo.

"I can't answer what Plan B is"

What can change that guideline?

- To follow what the experts say and the recommendations that are available. But right now the main line is that the Olympics will be conducted.

There is always a plan B. What is it?

- I can't answer what Plan B is.

Do you know what plan B is?

- I don't know what plan B is, but all events have different levels of planning. There are a few months left and it is logical that events that are closer in time are canceled.

"Not an option"

Because of the corona, there are different sporting conditions. How does it affect it?

- It is in the DNA of sports to have equal conditions. The IOK works hard with the international unions so that the qualification can be implemented and that they find solutions for deferred competitions. I think they will succeed, Reinebo says and continues:

- It is a challenge, but there are solutions. One solution is to make a selection later. Conducting competitions with health risks is not an option.