Former Brazilian star Ronaldinho participated in the football tournament inside Asuncion Prison in Paraguay, where he led his team to 11-2 victory.

The Spanish newspaper "Marca" reported that Ronaldinho scored five goals, gave six decisive passes to his matchmates, and presented his impressive technical touches to lead his team in his quest to win the championship title.

🇧🇷 Ronaldinho is playing football in jail and he's running the show by doing some tricks and flicks. This is like FIFA street in real life. Ic

- FutbolBible (@FutbolBible) March 14, 2020

Ronaldinho was imprisoned in Paraguay after being accused of entering the country with a false passport, and the judges rejected his lawyer’s request to release him on bail.

Even while in prison, Ronaldinho Gaucho is still harvesting titles and a smile to leave his life, Asunción is proud to have held the ball magician and amusement maker عه # Ronaldinho

- amSamira❤️ (@ Rossonera70) March 14, 2020

An appeals court in Asuncion, the Paraguayan capital, has confirmed the continued imprisonment of Ronaldinho, the former Brazilian soccer star and Barcelona, ​​by his brother, pending the case of using forged travel documents.

Histórico debut de #Ronaldinho en una cárcel !!!

El astro brasileño jugó por un lechón de 16 kg, con una cláusula en su contra "Sí Ronaldinho acepta jugar el torneo de presos, no podrá meter gol. Tendrá que dársela a otro jugador para que marque" .https: // / odVOxbwBSK

- AgendaSalta (@AgendaSalta) March 14, 2020

📹 # Dinho para el balón con la izquierda, se acomoda y pasa a un compañero, este devuelve la pared para que #Ronaldinho abra a la derecha, el crack ingresa burlando la marca y recibe la pelota para marcar ante un portero ya desparramado. #FiguraDelPartido o crack da camisa # 10🇧🇷🙌🏼

- Santiago Ravidlas (@SantiRavidlasPy) March 14, 2020

The man was a magician 🎩 #ronaldinho

- immortalgreats (@immortalgreats) March 9, 2020