- Taking into account the authorities 'instructions and players, leaders, employees and employees' health and safety and everyone's responsibility to limit the Corona center in society, we have made a request to the Swedish Ice Hockey Association to suspend this year's SM playoffs, says Michael Marchal in a statement and continues:

- Hockey should be played with the public and when it is not possible to perform and even the teams can risk being infected and stand for further spread of infection, we see no other decision than to postpone the season.

A decision is expected to come from the Swedish Ice Hockey Association already on Sunday.

"These are difficult times around the world and we in Swedish ice hockey may be a small part of a much larger context in this issue, but we also know what hockey means to a lot of people and we have seen that very clearly in recent days," says Michael Marchal.

- We and our clubs cannot thank enough for the commitment we have seen and continue to see, and it is painful to set the rest of the season, but people and health always go first.

Furthermore, the press release states that: "Decisions regarding the hockey all-Swedish qualification are made by the Swedish Ice Hockey Association in consultation with the hockey all-Swedish".

CLIP: Here's the chaos in the sport after the corona virus

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Here is the chaos in the sport after the corona virus