Over 120,000 people in the world have been found to be infected by the new coronavirus, of which more than 4,700 have died. In Sweden, 688 people are currently infected. The spread of the corona virus has meant that several major sporting events had to be canceled.

Including the biathlon finish in Holmenkollen, the cross-country competitions in Canmore and the Alpine World Cup final in Italian Cortina that SVT Sport would have sent.

This means that SVT Sport is now forced to cancel the Winter Studio next weekend, which would have been the last of the season.

- Of course, we had wanted to finish the season but with the recent development of events it feels quite right by the organizers to cancel the competitions next week. Thus, this weekend's Winter Studio will be the last of the season. We want to thank everyone who has followed the Winter Studio this season and hope to see you again in November, ”says Christoffer Braw, Project Manager for the Winter Studio.

"Of course supertrist"

The host Yvette Hermundstad would have led the Winter Studio next weekend.

- Since I have been following developments for the past 24 hours, I am not surprised, this was expected. Of course it is super sad, but we have had 17 fantastic winter studio weekends. Thanks to all dedicated and loyal viewers who are always with us, says Yvette Hermundstad and continues:
- Soon it will be winter again and then we will be back. Take care of each other and stay healthy.

Next weekend, the Winter Studio will be broadcast as planned with André Pops as the program manager.

Clip: This is a pandemic - in 60 seconds

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This is a pandemic - in 60 seconds