Spanish Arsenal coach Mikel Arteta tested positive for coronavirus and placed in isolation on March 12, 2020. - Holly Allison / TPI / REX / SIPA

Arsenal coach Mikel Arteta tested positive for coronavirus and placed in isolation, the club said on Thursday evening in a Premier League game scheduled for Saturday in Brighton was postponed.

"Arsenal employees who have recently been in close contact with Mikel will have to isolate themselves in accordance with government health directives," the club said. These are the first team players, members of the technical staff and a number of the personnel assigned to the Colney training center, north of London.

Club statement: COVID-19

- Arsenal (@Arsenal) March 12, 2020

As a result, the management of the Premier League club has closed the center. The championship game between Brighton and Arsenal, scheduled for Saturday, has been postponed and the Premier League has called an emergency meeting of all the clubs in the English league.

"It is obviously a big disappointment for me but I took the test after feeling bad," said Arteta, quoted in a statement on the Arsenal website. "I will come back to work as soon as I have the authorization," added the technician placed in quarantine.

The Premier League soon stopped?

The Gunners' match against Manchester City on Wednesday had already been postponed. "It is clear that we will not be able to play certain games in their current programming," said Arsenal Thursday evening. "The health of our staff and the general public is our priority and that's where we focus," said the North London club, which supported the coach. “Our thoughts are with Mikel who is disappointed but in a good mood. "

Management claims to be “in active dialogue with all those concerned to manage this situation appropriately. The coronavirus pandemic is disrupting the world sports calendar, with very many postponements or cancellations of competitions and events. Ligue 1 should announce that it will end everything this Friday morning. Soon the Premier League?


Coronavirus: Gunners players quarantined, Arsenal-Manchester City postponed


Coronavirus: Can UEFA last a long time before deciding to stop everything?

  • Coronavirus
  • Sport
  • Soccer
  • Premier League
  • Arsenal