Serie A club Juventus has said its defender Daniele Rogani has been infected with the Corona virus.

"The tests of football player Danielle Rogani have been positive for Corona virus (Covid-19), but he has not had symptoms," the club said in a statement on Wednesday evening.

"Juventus are currently following all isolation measures required by law, including the examination of all those who are in contact with the player."

Juventus will meet Olympique Lyon in the second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals next week.

All local sports events in Italy have been canceled until next April 3, as part of efforts to reduce the spread of infection with Corona virus.

Italy announced that the number of new infections with the virus increased by 2313 cases, bringing the total number to about 12.5 thousand cases, in the largest daily increase since the virus began spreading in the country on February 20, noting that the deaths exceeded 600 cases.