Athletes, specialists and ordinary fans hoped until the very end that the main event of the season in figure skating, the World Cup, would nevertheless take place, despite the epidemic of coronavirus. However, the authorities of the Canadian province of Quebec decided not to risk the health of the participants and cancel the tournament.

At the moment, it is not known on which date the competitions will be rescheduled. Initially, the International Speed ​​Skating Union (ISU) announced that they could go no earlier than October of this year. However, the vice president of the organization, Alexander Lakernik, believes that this will be problematic.

“To hold the World Cup later, including in the fall, will be, in my opinion, very difficult. The championship is assigned to Montreal and Canada, and so far there are no other options for the tournament venue. This is also due to the fact that we do not know how the situation with the coronavirus will continue in the future, ”RIA Novosti quotes Lakernika.

At the same time, according to the honorary president of the Russian Figure Skating Federation (FFKKR) Valentin Piseev, the world championship should be canceled, since its transfer may adversely affect the calendar of the 2020/21 season.

He also suggested forming a rating of skaters, which is taken into account when compiling the list of Grand Prix participants for the next season, based on the results of the Grand Prix finals already held, as well as the European and Four Continents championships.

“An emergency situation connected not only with figure skating, but with a global problem that cannot be avoided. It must be perceived calmly. There have already been cases of cancellation of world championships. What to do now? I definitely don’t understand the meaning of the postponement of the World Cup in the fall, because it is not practical to hold two World Championships in the pre-Olympic season, ”Piseev said.

On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus epidemic a pandemic. Sports and entertainment events are everywhere canceled or rescheduled. As for Canada, there the number of cases almost reached 100.

Most representatives of figure skating were sympathetic to the decision of the Canadian authorities and expressed the opinion that the health of participants and spectators of the World Cup should be in the first place.

“There were many personal plans for this World Cup, but I fully support the decision. Sometimes it’s better not to take risks, God saves those who are safe, ”wrote two-time Olympic champion Maxim Trankov on Twitter.

The news of the cancellation of the tournament appeared five days before its start, when many athletes were in the final stages of preparation. Some of them have already arrived in North America in order to adapt to changing time zones. Coach of the vice-champion of Europe Artur Danielyan Elena Buyanova complained that the competition will not take place.

“But the main thing is that everyone be healthy above all. Now this is a problem for the whole world, not a separate country. I have no doubt that the support of the fans and us, the coaches, will maintain the morale of our guys for the next starts, and for today the season, I think, is over. We will prepare for a new one, ”Buyanova said.

After the European Championship, in which Russian skaters won ten of the 12 medals, many had high hopes for the tournament in Montreal. So, the triumphs of the continental championship could compete for awards, the sports pair of Alexander Boykov - Dmitry Kozlovsky. However, their mentor Tamara Moskvina emphasized that security should come first.

“Yes, everyone had chances, but circumstances are stronger than desires. The decision was made by the Quebec government, it was confirmed by ISU, and we must obey it. How can we compare the danger to human health and the ambitious ambitions of a young couple? They still have many world championships ahead, ”TASS quoted Moskvina as saying.

In an unusual way, Boykova herself reacted to the news of the cancellation. On her page on social networks, she quoted the last quatrain of Alexander Blok’s poem “Balagan”. According to her, it is these lines that most accurately convey feelings about what is happening.

“Indeed, it remains only to“ cry, sing, go, ”do their work, no matter what. Thanks to everyone who supported us this season and continues to cheer us up now. I am very glad that we managed to arouse people's feelings and interest in figure skating, and, in particular, in our pair, ”said Boykova.

One of the leaders in men's figure skating, Nathan Chen, also approved the decision of the Quebec authorities. He admitted that he was worried about the health of his team and, in particular, 62-year-old mentor Rafael Harutyunyan.

“He travels a lot. In the end, I am glad that they can stay at home, not go anywhere and prevent the further spread of the virus. As athletes, we spend a lot of time and effort on training, so this decision is a little disappointing. But there is always hope for the next World Cup, and we will prepare for it, ”NBC quotes Chen.

Of course, there are those who were dissatisfied with what happened. However, the Honored Trainer of the USSR Tatyana Tarasova urged to respect the decision of the Canadian authorities, since they primarily care about the safety of their citizens.

“The abolition of the world championship in figure skating? I’m not an epidemiologist, but we are already abolishing many flights en masse. We must somehow reckon with this! I’m not the person who makes such decisions, but if it’s made, then we must implement it, ”Sport24 quotes Tarasova.

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Posted by Evgenia Medvedev (@jmedvedevaj) Mar 11, 2020 at 1:52 pm PDT

The abolition of the World Cup also affected those who should not have been directly involved in it. So, two-time world champion Evgenia Medvedeva, who failed to qualify for the national team for international starts and finished the season ahead of schedule, said that she had to try herself in a new role at the tournament.

“Very sad news. I know how upset the participants are. It’s also very hard in my soul, since at this World Cup my debut was to take place as a commentator on competitions. The decision is right, albeit sad. Health is the most important thing. See you and hear you next time! Wash your hands, ”Medvedev wrote.

A similar point of view is shared by her mentor Brian Orser.

“I can’t comment on the decision of the Quebec authorities. For athletes and the federation, this is a disappointment, as they diligently prepared for the World Cup. But health and safety are paramount, ”said the Canadian specialist.