The French sports newspaper L'Equipe revealed today that the second most expensive player in the world, French Killian Mbappe, the star of Paris Saint-Germain, underwent tests to detect the new Corona virus, Covid 19, after he had a sore throat, and his temperature rose The past two days.
In light of fears of the virus spread to France and most countries in the world at present, Paris Saint-Germain club did not delay taking the necessary precautions against the player, before the results of the tests came negative, as it turned out that the matter is related to mild inflammation in the tonsils, does not cause concern, and that it has nothing to do With the Corona virus, but before that the player had been isolated from those around him, and from the rest of his team mates, hours before a very important and decisive meeting for Saint Germain in the return leg of the final price of the European Champions, which is held late this evening in the stadium «Park de Prince »In the French capital, Paris, in front of the German Prussia Dortmund, where the team needs Parisi to make up for the go-1-1 loss, in order to qualify for the quarter-finals.
It is noteworthy that all the matches in various competitions in France are taking place behind closed doors in an effort to limit the spread of the virus, including the meeting of Dortmund and Saint-Germain.