Last week's competitions in Nove Mesto were run without crowds but when the week's competitions are organized in Finland, the spectators are back at the stands.

- It is quite strange when it becomes quite inconsistent, but at the same time I also understand that you want to drive. It is up to every government and authority and in Finland you have not had so many cases and then you choose to make a different assessment, says Mona Brorsson to SVT Sport

Hanna Öberg, who is chasing victory in the overall cup, behind Dorothea Wierer and Tiril Eckhoff, is on the same track as Brorsson.

- In a sense, it is interesting that they choose to do it given how they choose to do at other events around Europe, she says and continues:

- But I feel confident that they are making the right decisions and it is still outdoors and I think there is less risk there.

In Finland, the number of infected infected is 40. A figure to compare with Sweden's 326.

"Hottest topic of conversation in the entire World Cup"

After the competitions in the Czech Nove Mesto, which ran without an audience, all national teams went together in a chartered flight directly to Finland and Kontiolahti.

- It is definitely the hottest topic of conversation in the entire World Cup and there is a lot of uncertainty about the competitions. It has really escalated in a very short time from having been something you thought "this is not so serious" to something that affects everything, says Mona Brorsson and continues:

- There is nothing we can control and it is only to adjust ourselves to the recommendations and guidelines that emerge.