Tomorrow, Wednesday, Minister of Culture Amanda Lind will sit down with actors for major public events and the National Sports Federation to discuss how they should act around the corona virus. Björn Eriksson, chairman of RF, is one of those who will attend.

- What I will be very clear with the Minister tomorrow is what are the guidelines that the country's government believes should apply. The government must put its foot down and say "this is what we expect," he tells SVT Sport.

The virus has had a major impact on sports all over the world. Our neighboring countries Norway and Denmark are two examples of countries that have played matches without an audience and set up events.

Something that Eriksson thinks Sweden should notice.

- I think maybe you can look a little at the experiences that have come through Denmark and Norway, where you set guidelines in, among other things, the number of participants, he says.

The Norwegian authorities have even gone a step further, and on Tuesday came up with a new recommendation that all events with over 500 people should be canceled or postponed.

Financial question

Furthermore, Eriksson believes that sports are affected in a number of ways, partly because it is an infectious risk when many people gather, and that children and young people are a large part of those who enjoy what sports can offer. But it can also have financial consequences.

- Those who run events may have great difficulty at all getting it all together if they do not have their onlookers. But it is a perception where the sports movement will be clear, health always takes precedence over finances. But if you want it that way, it is extra important that the government is clear with what guidelines they have, says Eriksson.

What will be the biggest challenge?

- The big challenge is to dare to make decisions, and they must come from the government.