In the first round Astrid Norstedt jumped 92.5 meters in the strong wind in the Norwegian Lillehammer. For the second round, she increased by ten meters, even though the wind was even worse. Astrid Norstedt was awarded a total of 190.6 points, which meant she finished in 29th place and then took her first world cup points. Also Sweden's first through the ages on the ladies side.

- It feels great fun and is very important to me. I have been in two seasons in the World Cup, and finally I succeed, says Astrid Norstedt to SVT Sport.

She was greatly surprised when she realized that the jumps were enough for World Cup points.

- I didn't believe it when I was packing my stuff and going home. It was just a quick change over and over again (laughter), she says.

Important for the future

Already tonight, the next chance for Astrid Norstedt awaits to score in the World Cup as a new competition awaits in Lillehammer. She believes that this success is important in both the short and the long term.

- I think it will mean a lot to self-confidence as I know you can, she says and continues:

- Since then I have made huge progress during the winter. I have become more in my performance at the competition as I get to more jumps than before.

Archive: Astrid Norstedt's key word in Seefeld, February 26, 2019

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Focus 17-year-old Astrid Moberg's key words in Seefeld