Major League Twins Maeda Fourth inning with no runs on 3rd pitch March 9 15:10

Major league pitchers Kenta Maeda pitched in the open game against the Red Sox on the 8th and pitched four times with no goal.

Maeda pitched his third open match in the Red Sox in Florida on the 8th.

After rejecting the first time with three players, the second batter missed a strikeout with a changeup from the fourth batter, and from the sixth and seventh, the slider took the second consecutive strikeout with a slider.

In the fourth round, he struck the opponent's hitting line, such as taking the missed strikeout from the second and third, throwing four times and hitting two without hits and six strikeouts.

Mr. Maeda said, “I was able to finish the 4th round and the content was good. I was able to aim for a strikeout today. The situation is getting better.”