The official media spokesman for the Khorfakkan International Football Championship, Louay Allai, organized by the Khorfakkan Club for the Disabled, revealed to "Emirates Today," the postponement of the championship (Nasir Handicapped 2020), which was scheduled for next April, due to the current conditions in the region due to the spread Corona emerging virus (Covid 19).

Allay said: The reason for the delay is also due to the difficulties of moving and traveling to and from some countries due to the suspension of some flights and land, the conditions and controls for travel and entry to the airports and the preventive measures that take place in them, in order to preserve the safety of all members of the participating delegations and the success of their participation in the championship in all technical and organizational aspects. And health, and based on that, the Supreme Organizing Committee of the Khorfakkan International Goal Championship (championship for the disabled) decided to postpone until another date, provided that a new date for the tournament will be determined later, based on the developments that will appear during the coming period, and with the same conditions and color Ih organizational and technical previously identified.