In the losses against Germany and Denmark, Peter Gerhardsson has given playing time to many players. For him personally, the results are not the most important thing in the Algarve Cup training tournament.

- It is never possible to assume that results are partly emotional, but analytically it is less important for a ball to bounce here or there, he says.

He also sees the match against Portugal as a way to test things ahead of the waiting European qualification.

- We need some answers and it can be anything from debutants to players who have played the soft. We want information that can provide us with a basis for a squad selection.

He still thinks the selection is even better this year than it was a year ago.

- I think the competition has intensified further. It's positive.

It is also something that the outer back Hanna Glas is on.

- Competition feels bigger than ever. There are many who show that they want to be involved and are tamped about places. I think there are few teams that have the breadth we have. It's an incredible strength, ”she says.