She has been to Oberwiesenthal in Germany this week and won two U23 World Cup golds. Andersson made the decision to stand in the championship after the season start was disturbed by a knee injury and did not happen until the Tour de Ski at the New Year.

- It gave me a lot and I have had good days there. I come to "Kollen" with a small energy boost. I ran two tough and nice competitions. Fun and that it went as far as it did with two golds, which was the goal. But it was not at all a given thing but things should be right and the work should be done, says Andersson about the successes in Germany.

"My shape is at a good level"

Now it is important to switch to a tough three mile, where a rested Therese Johaug will probably start at full speed.

- My form is at a good level, the body is surprisingly fresh. May see how things are going tomorrow after competing intensely and traveling some but I have been set for it. Let's see how far it goes.

The competition takes place without an audience because of the corona virus outbreak.

- It will be special. We can only accept that decision even if it is an ounce of disappointment now that we would be able to drive on Saturday when there is even more party atmosphere.

CLIP: Swedish triple in the U23 World Cup (March 5, 2020)

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Moa Lundgren, Ebba Andersson and Emma Ribom are cheering. Photo: Lukas Johansson.