Only four other equipages were faster in the 1.55 class and the fastest of these was Frenchman Kevin Staut at Visconti.

Evelina Tovek and Dalila de la Pomme also made their way around the track without impact. The time 70.56 reached 17th place.

Von Eckermann and Tovek are part of the team competition in the Scandinavian Vikings and they came second behind S: t Tropez Pirates (Pieter Devos and Daniel Deusser).

Also Peder Fredricson on Catch Me Not was flawless and landed in 25th place. Annika Axelsson and Diva Rosa suffered a blow.

The second round of the team competition will be decided on Saturday. It also qualifies for the individual jump in the GCT on Saturday night. The 35 best equipages reach the final.