Major league raise 11:27 on March 3 to prevent handshake and high-touch regulations between players

In response to the spread of the new coronavirus in the United States, Raise, to which Yoshitomo Tsutsuka belongs in the Major League, will shake hands and high five among players and team members to prevent the infection on the 2nd. Notified not to do so.

Rays, with Tsutsuka, is based in St. Petersburg, Florida, and has camps throughout the state.

The CDC of the United States announced on December 2 that two people in Florida have been confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus.

In response, Rays notified Wednesday that players and team officials and the press were not to shake or high-five to prevent the infection.

On the other hand, contact between players and fans is left to personal judgment.

The notice also requires athletes and others to thoroughly use handwashing and sanitizing gels.

Due to changing conditions, such as an increase in the number of people infected with the new coronavirus in the United States, Rays has stated that it may further strengthen measures.