About eight last minutes of inspiration allowed Deportivo Abanca to convert a 3-0 opponent into a favorable 3-4 , which allowed him to add all three points in the Ciudad Real de Real Madrid .

Everything seemed headed for the triumph of the CD Heel . The French Aurelie Kaci (min. 40), the Spanish Lorena Navarro (min. 74) and the Swedish Sofia Jakobsson (min. 79) built what looked like a loose income for the white team in Valdebebas, but Deportivo Abanca did not lower the arms and ended up taking the victory.

The Japanese Maya began the comeback in the 82nd minute and Venezuela's Michelle Romero (min. 83 and 88) and Kika (min. 90) confirmed the triumph of the Galician team, 3-4, on the twenty-second day of the First Division Spanish.

Deportivo Abanca, a great revelation in the First Iberdrola , sits in the high zone, with 37 points, while the CD Heel does not finish taking off the descent .

The Madrid team is tenth, after two consecutive losses, although it has six more units than the penultimate classified, Valencia.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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